Friday, June 6, 2008

Welcome all sizes!

I was in denial for years about those "five" pounds adding on each year. Of course, I was buying bigger pants but hey, maybe they were shrinking in the dryer. Eventually I saw myself naked in a full 3 dimensional view and was dissapointed. Not only because I let myself go, but because at 50, I need to get my bones strong and help reduce these perimenopausal symptoms.

Now, the obvious weight loss is less sugar, white flour, etc. But, I am a sugar addict. I wasn't willing to give up this vice completely. So I bought some tennis shoes, joined Curves and set my goals.

I did not set expectations on a timeline - just knew this was a life-long change. I changed my outlook on food and tried some of that good ole Catholic guilt with too much on my plate as"gluttony". And, my parents always saying "there are starving children everywhere" which is so true. It worked for me.

I don't have all the answers on loosing weight in today's world - let's help each other find our way.

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